About us

LINK Healthcare is not “another hospital”, not “Another clinic”, not “Another home-healthcare service”. It is the integration of all components of healthcare services in one entity named “LINK HEALTHCARE SYSTEM”

LINK HEALTHCARE SYSTEM is a client-oriented healthcare system focused on the prevention, early diagnosis of the disease, intervention, and provision of evidence-based medical care for the patient. Healthcare is provided to the individual and the community at its outpatient centers, LINK Hospital, or any of its inpatient affiliated centers at several levels to include but not limited to primary, secondary, and tertiary outpatient healthcare services.

Disease management programs, at a fixed annual premium, have been negotiated with insurance companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain to cover chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. The programs include a monthly scheduled medical consultation, laboratory tests, and specific radiology procedures. The outcome of disease management programs proved to be better than the conventional disease management schemes.

Its affiliation with international Centers of Excellence, LINK HEALTHCARE SYSTEM and in collaboration with regional or international expert in the field provides its patients with a review of their medical condition. This review is done by the concerned physician who offers the best consultation, follow-up, and management of the case in the Kingdom of Bahrain. In case the patient selects to travel abroad and needs inbound and outbound MEDEVAC services (Medical airplane transport) arrangements could be made through LINKMEDICARE international affiliate members.

LINK Healthcare system thinks globally and acts locally. The development of Bahraini manpower is our priority. Arrangements have been made with institutions, in the Kingdom of Bahrain and abroad, to train Bahraini manpower to acquire the knowledge and skills in specialized areas of hospital operation and management.


LINKMEDICARE envisions becoming a prime regional leader in the provision of evidence-based medical care at a cost affordable to the community and the patient with a global brand for quality healthcare services, a force of change in the delivery system, and an insightful process of gradual improvement of the healthcare system.


The LINK Healthcare System is committed to developing the culture of well-being among the citizens and residents of The Kingdom of Bahrain, in which every individual will seek and practice preventive and evidence-based medical care. Through its 4Ps “The Population-Public-Private-Partnership” the LINK Healthcare System will provide community education on the basic preventive measures and the efficient utilization of the healthcare system. In addition, it will maintain efficient infrastructure through its Outpatient, Inpatient, integrated system, and its local, regional, and international affiliations.



When it comes to values, the LINK Health Care system is genuinely committed to several core values that we maintain and achieve:

To the Kingdom of Bahrain :

Respect the laws and regulations; Prioritize the provision of individual healthcare; and Achieve the vision and the mission of the government.

To the Community:

Encourage cultural respect; Advance community Health-culture; and Develop a culture of “Proper Utilization of Health-services”.

To the Patient:

Offer professional care; Provide evidence-based medical care; Respect the cultural boundaries; and Deliver cost-effective medical care.

To the Staff:

Encourage respect; Boost development; Guarantee fair compensation; and Promote a professional working environment.

To the Investors/Partners:

Offer financial returns on the investment in line with the market trends; and improve local and regional expansion.

To the Healthcare Industry:

Achieve economic sustainability of the industry.

Success factors: the 4Cs

  1. Comprehensiveness of medical care: Integrate primary, secondary, and tertiary outpatient and inpatient services through the provision of specific personalized disease-management program, and utilization of advanced automated IT platforms.
  2. Continuity of medical care: Provide standardized evidence-based medical care through electronic medical records with access to a global healthcare system network.
  3. Cost-effective: Provide cost-effective solutions through cooperation with local, regional, and international healthcare industry leaders, including, but not limited to public sector, insurance companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and medical equipment manufacturers and suppliers.
  4. Collaboration: Design, implement and operate an efficient healthcare system with local, regional, and international networks.